In an emergency situation, what do you think are your responsibilities and limitations? Compare these to the responsibilities of the other responders.
Do your Standards of Practice specifically list venipuncture drug administration and IV medication? What is a health care professional in your position allowed to do?
Welcome to Week 3. When working in the healthcare system there is the potential for emergency situations to arise at any given moment or time. Can you discuss a time in which you found yourself in this situation, what was your role, and the outcome of the situation?
The Institute for Safe Medication Practices (ISMP), is the nation’s only 501c (3) non-profit organization devoted entirely to medication error prevention and safe medication use. From reviewing the organization’s website what piece of information resonates with you the most and why?
In an emergency situation, what do you think are your responsibilities and limitations? Compare these to the responsibilities of the other responders.
Emergency situations are common in the healthcare sector. These range from a patient suffering from a severe disease or as a result of an accident where there are injuries. Healthcare providers are required to address the presented situations effectively while observing the emergency department regulations consistent with their roles and responsibilities (Fry et al., 2015). My main responsibility in an emergency situation is ensuring I provide first aid to the patients. This is meant to stabilize their condition and avert the presented challenges such as pain. Another responsibility is to call for assistance from other healthcare providers and specialists…..Please click the icon below to purchase full solution at $10