(Answered) NR 505NP Week 6: Research Article Critique


The purpose of this assignment is to provide the graduate nursing student opportunity to practice reading and critiquing research articles for application to an evidence-based practice.

Course outcomes

  1. Integrate evidence-based practice and research to support advancement of holistic nursing care in diverse healthcare settings. (PO 1)
  2. Integrate knowledge related to evidence-based practice and person-centered care to improve healthcare outcomes. (PO 1, 5)
  3. Develop knowledge related to research and evidence-based practice as a basis for designing and critiquing research studies. (PO 1, 5)
  4. Analyze research findings and evidence-based practice to advanced holistic nursing care initiatives that promote positive healthcare outcomes. (PO 1,5)

Due Date: Sunday 11:59 PM MT at the end of WEEK 6

Total Points Possible: 130 points


Description of the Assignment

During NR505 you will write three research article critiques. Each critique will involve writing a two-page analysis of an article as well as completing the Johns Hopkins Research Appraisal ToolPreview the document that is applicable to the article (qualitative, quantitative or Non-research evidence). For Week 6 you will critique a qualitative research article.

Criteria for Content

  1. Introduction: Provide introduction to article topic/focus, authors and specific aim of assignment.
  2. Critique of Article (Body):
    1. Identify the type of qualitative method of the study.
    2. Content of critique should include at a minimum:
      1. participant sampling,
      2. questionnaires/tools,
      3. ethics,
      4. analysis of findings,
      5. limitations,
      6. discussion section,
      7. Summary: Application (translation) to practice specialty, and future implications.
    3. Refer to and complete the Johns Hopkins Research Appraisal Tool.

Article Review Steps

Step 1: Go to the Chamberlain Library and select a qualitative research article on your topic of interest published within the last three (3) years.

Step 2: Write a two-page critique of the article in a Word Doc supported by course readings.

Step 3: Complete the Johns Hopkins Quantitative Research Appraisal Tool. No credit for partially completed sections of The Appraisal Tool.

Step 4: Upload your Word doc analysis and Johns Hopkins Research Appraisal Tool (in the appendix) to TurnItIn.

Preparing the Assignment:

  1. APA Format according to current edition.
  2. Word Doc
  3. Word Doc Format:

Cover page, no abstract, introduction (no heading per APA), body of the paper/review, reference list, appendix with Johns Hopkins appraisal doc. For review sections refer to your readings and the Johns Hopkins Research Appraisal Tool.

List should include the chosen article and other resources used to construct the review, such as course textbook, Johns Hopkins Evidence Based Practice: Model and Guidelines, and How to Read a Paper by Greenhalgh (2014


Article Critique

The study by Pless, Shaw, McLennan, and Elger (2017) on “Nurses’ attitudes towards enforced measures to increase influenza vaccination” sought to examine the attitude of non-vaccinated healthcare workers toward the enforced measures that aim at increasing the rate of vaccination among the health care workers. In this connection, this paper provides a critique of the article mentioned above.

The article has clearly stated the problem of the study. This is consistent with Greenhalgh (2014) that a study should explicitly state the problem of the study. According to the article, the influenza vaccination among the health care workers has remained relatively low despite an explicit recommendation on the importance of vaccination among the HCWs. As a result, the healthcare organization has adopted strict measures such as unpaid leave during the influenza season. Therefore, the study aimed to investigate the HCWs attitude toward these measures.Click link below to purchase full tutorial at $10