Initial Post Instructions
This week's lesson presented a model of an annotated bibliography. Review the model,
focusing on the components of the entry:
Reference citation
Research a new source for your Pro-Con Position Paper (ideally, seek one that is in
opposition to your stance/side). Then, draft 1 reference entry and 2 paragraphs for this
new source.
Make sure to cite your source in APA format.
Follow-Up Post Instructions.
Respond to at least two peers or one peer and the instructor. For peer feedback this
week, please review the Guidelines for Evaluating Sources in our textbook (Seyler &
Brizee, 2018, pp. 281-282). Consider the following prompts as you provide feedback to
your peers:
What is the purpose of the text?
Can you locate the author's credentials?
Estimate the credibility of the text.
Is this source an appropriate level for this degree of academic writing?
Is the source up-to-date?
Do you agree with how your peer intends to apply the source?
Can you think of any other applications?
Do you notice any inaccuracies in the APA formatting?
Further the dialogue by providing more information and clarification.
Krstić, B., & Kahrović, E. (2015). Business process outsourcing as a tool for improving enterprise efficiency. Ekonomika, 61(3), 31-41.
In their recent study, Krstić and Kahrović found that outsourcing is a great method that allows companies to utilize resources efficiently and effectively gaining expertise knowledge from other companies, thus improving their competitive advantage (Krstić & Kahrović, 2015). The authors demonstrate how both small and big organizations utilize outsourcing as a way of gaining a competitive edge in the market….Please click the icon below to purchase the full solution at $5