(Answered) MATH399N Week 7 Assignment: Course Project Part II

Required Resources

Read/review the following resources for this activity:

  • Textbook: Chapter 9
  • Lesson


This week you will submit the second part of the course project. You completed Part I in Week 6 and will complete Part II this week.

Hypothesis Testing is the use of statistics to determine the probability that a given claim is true.

In Part II of this project, you will choose a data set, review claims and perform hypothesis testing and make a decision. You will then complete a write-up that includes the calculations.

The government logs the number of documented births, deaths, marriages and divorces; however, it is possible to have undocumented cases. In part II of this project, you are going to test claims about total births, deaths, marriages and divorces.


  1. Choose a Data Set.
  1. Go to https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/products/nvsr.htm (Links to an external site.)
  2. In the search bar type: Births, Marriages, Divorces, and Deaths

    screenshot of CDC website toolbar

  1. Pick a DataSet and download the PDF document and make note of the volume, number, and date. For example you could use the National Vital Statistics Reports,
    screenshot of National Vital Statistics Reports webpage
  1. Pick the same month/year combination for each data set. For example, choosing September of 2009.

    screenshot of example dataset

  1. Preliminary Calculations
  1. Create a summary table for 1. Live Births, 2. Deaths, 3. Marriages, and 4. Divorces highlighting the mean, median, sample standard deviation, minimum and maximum values for each the data sets. You will have FOUR tables using the list of values of each state, the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico (You will have 52 numbers for each data set).
Summary Table for _________
Standard Deviation
  1. Hypothesis Testing

With the information that you gather from the summary tables, test the following (you can use excel when appropriate):

  1. Determine if there is sufficient evidence to conclude the average amount of births is over 5000 in the United States and territories at the 0.05 level of significance.
  2. Determine if there is sufficient evidence to conclude the average amount of deaths is equal to 6000 in the United States and territories at the 0.10 level of significance.
  3. Determine if there is sufficient evidence to conclude the average amount of marriages is greater or equal to 2500 in the United States and territories at the .05 level of significance.
  4. Determine if there is sufficient evidence to conclude the average amount of divorces is less than or equal to 4000 in the United States and territories at the 0.10 level of significance.

For each of the tests above, in your report, be sure to—

  1. Clearly state a null and alternative hypothesis
  2. Give the value of the test statistic
  3. Report the P-Value
  4. Clearly state your conclusion (Reject the Null or Fail to Reject the Null)
  5. Explain what your conclusion means in context of the data.

Lastly, propose and conduct your own test of hypothesis about the Birth, Death, Marriage and Divorce data that you have been analyzing. Make sure to follow the five steps above.

Required Software

Microsoft Office: Word and Excel


Week 7 Assignment: Course Project Part II

Births, marriages, divorces, and deaths: Provisional data for September 2009

Summary Table for _Live Births___
Mean  7047
Median  4936
Standard Deviation  8358
Minimum  519
Maximum 46117


Summary Table for _Deaths____
Mean  35116
Median  24886.5
Standard Deviation  35581.64
Minimum  2718
Maximum 172700


Summary Table for _Marriages____
Mean 3970.35
Median  2687.5
Standard Deviation  3913.25
Minimum  152
Maximum 19775


Summary Table for _Divorces_____
Mean  1537.33
Median  1251
Standard Deviation  1427.5
Minimum  102
Maximum 7082


Hypothesis Testing

  1. Determine if there is sufficient evidence to conclude the average amount of births is over 5000 in the United States and territories at the 0.05 level of significance.

Sample size (n) = 52

Sample mean = 7047

Sample standard deviation (s) = 8358

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