(Answered) NR512 Reflection on Second Life Experiences, Nursing Informatics Skills and Impact on Speciality

Discuss how Course Outcomes were supported and met by the activities you have completed in this course. What changes did you note in your post-TANIC TIGER assessment from when you started this course in week 1?


This class has considerably enabled me to meet the course outcomes in a variety of ways. Through the class discussions and assignments, I have expanded my knowledge and competences in informatics. In addition, through completion of research for the assignments as well as application of topics such as virtual learning in second life experiences, I got the opportunity to integrate informatics into practice. Prior to this class, my knowledge regarding nursing informatics was very little and as it was a newer field to me. My exposure was related to electronic health records (EMRs) and their integration to nursing practice. This exposure facilitated in developing, improving and supporting the EMR. Further, it helped me in understanding clinical information management. In the first week of this course, I only scored high in basic computer skills competence and low in information literacy and clinical information management competences…..Please click the icon below to purchase full solution at $5

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