Required Resources
Read/review the following resources for this activity:
- Textbook: Chapter 8
- Lesson
- Minimum of 1 scholarly source
Initial Post Instructions
For the initial post, respond to one of the following options:
- From the following terms, choose two: Orthodox Judaism, Hassidic Judaism, Reform Judaism, and Conservative Judaism. Briefly define these two terms, then explain their relationship to one another. How are they similar, and how are they different? What lead to their development?
- The destruction of the 2nd Temple in Jerusalem marks a major shift in the history and character of Judaism. What characterizes Jewish practice before the destruction of the 2nd Temple, and what characterizes Jewish practice after the Temple’s destruction? How are these practices different? What was maintained?
Half a century ago, Judaism could be described as comprised of three main branches: Orthodox (traditional), Reform (liberal, in Europe, also known as Liberal or Progressive), and Conservative (a middle-ground branch; known as Masorti outside North America). Hassidic Judaism is something that we have all become more familiar with throughout the years as well. Although the big three are still very much with us, there is today a broader spectrum of Judaism. For example, some may describe themselves as “Conservadox” bridging Conservative and Orthodox Judaism. While each branch of Judaism has its own more or less “official” take on the Jewish faith, simply attending a particular synagogue doesn’t necessarily mean a person believes or even understands those official beliefs.
Until the late 18th century, there was only one kind of Judaism. What is now called “Orthodox” Judaism was normative and did not need to be distinguished as a branch until other, less traditional, varieties of Judaism began to develop. “Traditional Judaism is often called Orthodox, but we might recall that until the Reform movement began, there was no need to give a special name to traditional Judaism because all Jews were traditional in belief and practice.” (Molloy, 2013)………Please click the icon below to purchase full solution at $5