(Solved) NR534: WK4: Organizational Structure: Power and Lines of Authority


Part 1: Individual

Power and Lines of Authority.   Describe the organizational structure and the lines of authority within the healthcare system where you work. Identify the relationship between the type of power observed and the authority line.

Part 2: With Your Group

Share an example of a power differential gap or unclear authority lines you have observed or have been involved in. What accountability issues arose from the gap? How was group communication and/or collaboration affected by this gap? What strategies would you propose leaders could use to navigate power-differential gaps and blurred lines of authority? Link to week 5

Solution:Power and Lines of Authority

My organization has a  matrix structure that combines elements of both the flat and line structures.   This type of structure is important more in hospitals where collaboration among the departments is critical for delivering quality care.  The teams in this structure report to multiple leaders and functions and skills are fragmented throughout the organizational structure ((Kishore et al., 2019). In our organization, a nurse can report to a supervisor as well as a project leader which gives the organization have matrix structure.  With a matrix structure, there is the free flow of ideas, efficient use of resources,  clear project objectives as well as retention of the staff.

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